Thus says the Lord:

14 years have gone by since my servant triumphantly died and left his own labours to enter into My rest!
Leaving you with My goal;
Leaving you with Our Ministry;
Leaving you with Our Work;
Leaving you with My vision and commission;
Leaving you with My call to Pentecost;
Leaving you with My appointments for Pentecost;
Leaving you a victorious example to follow;
Leaving you a rich deposit of teaching;
Leaving you with clear objectives to pursue;
Leaving you with abundance and wealth in all domains.

14 years have gone by and you have followed Me.
Followed and pursued the goal;
Followed in seeking and knowing Me;
Followed in total dependence on God through fasting;
Followed in total dependence on God through prayer;
Followed in total dependence on God through faith;
Followed in total dependence on God through obedience to My directives;
Followed in recovering and publishing the deposit;
Followed in these appointments with Me during the seasons of Fasting, Prayer, Praise and Personal Revivals.
And the work has moved ahead, gaining grounds.
And the vision has been communicated and adopted.
And many leaders have emerged and begun emerging.
And I have blessed you and been with you.
And I have backed you with My abundant provisions and miracles.
I have backed you with fruits and some degree of success.
And I have called many home from their labours, so that they may be like seed for the multiplication of many more faithful leaders and precious lovers of Mine.
I am coming to you afresh in this Pentecost.
I am coming to you in power through this Pentecost.
I am coming to you and will continue with you in power and glory after this Pentecost.
I am coming to you to make the way of the cross the normal pathway for all my servants and leaders amongst you.
I am coming to you to make the way of Pentecost a normal and common pathway and experience in Our Work henceforth.
I pour upon you My Spirit and
I pour upon you My power.
Receive them by faith and immediately go forth to serve Me from fullness and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
I pour My gifts upon you.
I pour My gifts upon you in abundance.
And I pour upon you the love with which to use those gifts for My glory.
I pour My glory upon you so that you should love and cling to each other and around My Name and My servant ZTF in deepening unity and joyful harmony.
Your leaders will begin to love and honour each other and all the saints in Our Work.
Unusual generosity and compassion will be planted in the work at all levels.

I have received and answered your collective cry for a large army of leaders who are filled with the Holy Spirit and endowed with distinct spiritual gifts.
I will do with you as I did with David.
I will raise and bring to you My mighty men, loyal men, outstanding leaders and unusual distinct ministries.
Day after day, men and women will come to you until you have an army as the army of God.

From this day, I will begin to raise God’s army for the Zach Fomum goal and vision.
From this day, I will begin to raise God’s army for My World Conquest for Christ.
My army of ZTF models;
My army of missionaries;
My army of preachers and teachers;
My army of pastors at all levels;
My army of leaders at all levels;
My army of special workers of miracles;
My army of special workers of signs;
My army of special workers of wonders;
My army of special ministers of healing;
My army of special ministers of deliverance;
My army of special ministers of miracles;
Special, for henceforth, I will make healings, deliverance, miracles, wonders and signs common occurrences all over Our Work and Ministry.
My army of prayer leaders and ministers;
My army of fasting leaders and distinct ministers;
My army of giving leaders, financial leaders and distinct ministers.
And I will give to My loyal leaders many loyal helpers and servants who will serve them with love and purity.

I will accomplish My promise to My servant Zach Fomum of raising the first 100 in Our Work who have the Spirit and anointing of Zach Fomum.
And I will begin to raise those with a distinct prophetic ministry and establish 100 in My prophetic office in Our Work, as I did with the prophet Samuel.
These will be from those who have walked with Me in faithfulness and in obedience as My servant ZTF did and they will be committed to My world conquest as he was.
I will accomplish henceforth My promise to Zach Fomum to pour out upon many in Our Work unusual spiritual experiences and unusual spiritual gifts.
I will pour upon many in Our Work very unusual spiritual phenomena that havepreviously been lacking in Our Work.
And I will make all of them to serve for the rapid accomplishment of the goal.

I will raise many wealthy men and women for the accomplishment of our goal,
and I will bless many with unusual riches and wealth for the sake of our vision.

Some, like Solomon, will misuse wealth for their destruction and ruin, but I am raising many who will be My faithful stewards of wealth, riches and prosperity.

And I will entrust you withwealth in funds, materials, technologies, structures and real estates in many nations in a short time, so that you may not be distracted from the priority of proclaiming the gospel, publishing the Gospel, planting churches and making disciples.

I have made you wealthy and rich in men and gifts–rich in funds and the passing things of this world! But I am calling all of you to be rich and wealthy in the knowledge and the walk with God.
I am calling all of you to be rich in humility and love for one another.
I am calling all of you to be rich in compassion and passion for the perishing souls of men and a broken and dying world around you.
Beware of the sin of Sodom: comfort, luxury and total indifference to those around you.

You are My light in this growing darkness. You shall arise and shine by your love, lives and testimony.

You are My love to this broken and confused world and you each must become for Me, as our Lord Jesus Christ, by replacing your names individually in John 3:16

“For God so loved the world i.e. the world around each one of you (the world around you) that He sent his adopted son (your name), as He did His only begotten Son– our LordJesus, that they may not perish but be saved…”

You are My Ambassadors where you are and you are on mission to establish My kingdom where you are.

And behold, I will be with you all and with each of you in particular.
I love you. I have loved you and I will begin to fully accomplish My Promises through the Beijing Prophecy, the Brazzaville Prophecy, and the Bertoua Prophecy.

This is the Word the Lord gave to our community.

Koumé, 22 November 2023

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