Begging To Serve (Z.T. Fomum)

For many years now, I have lived my life knowing that God could put me aside. So I have lived my life begging God every day, that he might let me serve Him. By my posture, by clapping, by speaking, …, I beg Him not to put me aside, not to exclude me from the total vision. I beg Him not to exclude me from any part of the work, from any part of the world. This is because of the knowledge of my dispensability. He can leave me alone and go on. So, whether it is giving Him our income, I do so with begging. I beg him to receive what we give. Whether it is my time or energy, I beg him. Even this morning, I was begging Him to allow me to teach His children and to pray to Him. He can keep me aside, and His purposes will continue. He cannot lose. But I can lose completely. That is why I beg.

Have you caught the sense of privilege that is in relating to Him and in serving Him? Even the great Moses was not indispensable. He was put aside. God will not fit into your programmes. He will not fit into your timetable. He will not fit into your conveniences. He is sovereign, He is King, and people must beg to serve Him.

He put aside Ephesus completely. All the churches in North Africa were put aside and the people given up to Islam. He will beg nobody. If you know who He is, you will fall prostrate before Him and beg Him to let him take all you are, all that you have, and all that you will ever be, so that your life may make sense for your own good. I say again, for your own good. He cannot lose. He cannot fail. The twenty-four elders fall down before Him and lay their crowns at his feet. Have you ever thought about the indispensability of winning a crown to lay it at his feet? Have you begged Him? Do you beg Him? If not, keep yourself to yourself. Keep all that you have. Do not pray, do not fast, give nothing to Him, and see whether he will fail. I pray that some will capture the fact that God can do without them, and become begging servants; who beg to give, who beg to go and always do so for their own good. Not for God’s good. It is for your own good (Deuteronomy 10:13).

You sell what you have to give to Him for your own good. It is for your own eternal good. Be always pleading, “Lord, permit me to have a place in your service.” The future, as far as taking the nations is concerned, is reserved for those who beg Him. The others cannot have a part in it. He will beg nobody. He has nothing to lose. It is for those who beg and keep begging. It is for those who give and continue giving; those who fast and keep fasting; for those who always consider that what they have done is too little. He will pick up such from their begging position and share His glory with them.

Excerpt from: Power for Service – Z. T. Fomum

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