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Day 1 || PFC 2023 || Summary || Our True Value

On the inaugural day of the 2023 annual CMFI 40-day Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusade (PPFC 2023), the key message resonates with a profound truth: God’s priority focus is on the quality of our being, our inner selves, rather than the ephemeral outward elements that humanity often fixates upon.

The True Measure of Value:

This message reminds us that our true value is determined before God in a distinct manner:

Biblical Exemplars:

The Bible provides us with examples that illustrate this principle. Consider Moses, known for his meekness, David, a man after God’s own heart, Mordecai, renowned for his loyalty, and Esther, celebrated for her obedience.

The Heart Matters:

It’s a sobering thought that someone might be occupying a stage, a position, or a title, unaware that there may be someone better suited for it. Thus, the emphasis lies in cultivating the heart, aligning it with Christian character and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Learning from ZTF:

During this crusade, we will delve into Zach Fomum’s book The Joy of Begging to Belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.’ This choice is not only a tribute but also an opportunity to learn from ZTF’s core, his heart, where God alone truly sees.

Prepare to Meet God:

The message encourages us to embark on the fast with courage, focusing on removing sin, restoring communion with God, and renewing consecration. Leviticus 9:1-6 reminds us to be expectant as we prepare to meet God.

As we journey through the CMFI PPFC 2023, may these insights inspire us to nurture the quality of our inner selves and draw closer to God. Blessings to all participants as they continue in this spiritual endeavor.

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