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Day 15: 2022 Fasting, Praise & Prayer Crusade – A Recap

The message of Brother Theodore during the 15th night of the Fasting Praise and Prayer Crusade consisted in a short exhortation on fasting from the book The Ministry of Fasting by ZTF. He said, fasting exposes the devil so that you can overcome him.

Fasting, he said again, forces the devil to light, it aborts the plans of the devil in your life, your family, in the ministry, the work. This was illustrated with the example of Jesus who had confronted and judged the faith that comes bread during the temptation in the desert. Later on, after feeding the 5000 and the crowd started praising Him, He ran from the faith and acceptance that comes from providing bread. If things happen, and the Satan in it was not treated before, you will swallow what is good and swallow the Satan in it, commented the leader.

At the personal level, sometimes in the fast, you face temptations that you don’t know where they come from. In such cases the Lord has exposed them before all the predispositions are put in place by the devil for you to fall.

In your family, a family member may fall sick. It may be the person that will emerge in the family and the devil wants to have him out before time.

With many other illustrations, brother Theodore showed that fasting pushes the Devil to the open even at the national and international scales, and urged the brethren to press forward in the fast for those who are in, while he encouraged those who are not yet in to join the battle.

Brother pursued by leading the saints to pray for the Following:

Brother Theodore concluded by sharing with the community, a word received from the Lord in Isaiah 2v11-22, while he was praying earlier in the evening. 

He said God will use this fast to bring down arrogance in our ministry, in the nations, in our lives; and urged all arrogant to stop their arrogance.



  1. Disciples of the Jesus-Christ to make disciples for Jesus-Christ
  2. Personal Spiritual Revival
  3. The Ministry of Fasting
  4. Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (Vol 1)
  5. Practical Helps in Fasting Long Fasts
  6. Building a Spiritual Nation




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