Day 18: 2022 Fasting, Praise & Prayer Crusade – A Recap

Brother Theodore’s message at the 18th night of the Fasting Praise and Prayer Crusade was a further introduction to David as a nation builder. Reading 1Chronicles 11:10, brother Theodore explained that, in this passage, the prophet is beginning to show us what went in the building of the kingdom David built.

He dissected the passage into 10 building blocks

Brother Theodore commented that there are kingdom builders, there are success bringers, there are leader’s anointers (those who bring love to the leader to give him strength to continue and succeed.

We are not the same, and it is not God that makes the difference, it is what you are ready to do, underscored the leader, as he announced that we shall study this and pray for our ministry.

Providing background, brother Theodore said there is a set of 3 great leaders who built the kingdom of Israel, namely Saul, David, and Solomon. These had different paradigms of leadership.

King Saul’s leadership was characterised by 3 As: Anointing, Authority ruined by Anger. Indeed, King Saul had such anointing and authority that nobody ever said him no, nobody ever rebelled against him. Through anointing and authority Saul gathered a nomad people into a nation. However, he was ruined by his anger against David.

Then David then comes on stage to build this kingdom that Saul failed to build. And in his life you also find three Ms: Might, Men ruined by Murder.

And finally, Solomon with three Ws: Wisdom, Wealth ruined by Women.

Brother Theodore commented that these 3 kings show three stages of leadership:


He then disclosed that, where our ministry is now we need men and might to build Gods spiritual nation. Let us however beware of murder, i.e. jealousy, envy, individualism, killing of others names, suspicion, gossip, slander, inability to work with others, sectarism, etc.

“As we learn from David, please make room in your heart for others. What is at stakes is the great spiritual nation God has called us to build.” Brother Theodore said.

We must build with might. We must build with men, he added as he led the brethren to read two tracts, namely:

 The Call to Exceedingly Great Deeds

Churches of Great, Very Great, Very Very Great Numbers: A Must in Christian Missionary Fellowship International



  1. Disciples of the Jesus-Christ to make disciples for Jesus-Christ
  2. Personal Spiritual Revival
  3. The Ministry of Fasting
  4. Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (Vol 1)
  5. Practical Helps in Fasting Long Fasts
  6. Building a Spiritual Nation


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