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Day 19: 2022 Fasting, Praise & Prayer Crusade – A Recap

Mighty men, mighty deeds, mighty hearts; that is one of things we need at this level where we have come in our ministry, as revealed by brother Theodore in his message at the 19th night of Fasting Praise and Prayer Crusade.

Reading from 1Chronicles 11:10-25, the leader first noted that the list of the mighty men was written, from an army of about 600 thousand. And these mighty men wrote their names with deeds, not appreciation.

These mighty men brought victories to the nation and to David. They did not bring about problems, complaints, grumblings, or words. They were doing things not tellers of things, brother Theodore commented.

From 2 Samuel 23:9-12, the leader took the case of some mighty men who brought about victories, God’s intervention, who brought God. These are Eleazar son of Dodai, and Shamma. They brought success, victories through blood, tiredness, commitment to a cause that seemed to be lost, perseverance to believe the leader. Unlike these, there are some that are crippled by fear. They have the revelation of obstacles and impossibilities, and all they bring is problems, excuses, explanations.

Other examples of bringers of victory in the Bible as cited by brother Theodore are David, Joseph. David for instance is reported as someone who always brought success. While Joseph had success in everything he did. At different stages of his life, he brought joy to his father, to his master, to Pharaoh.

Brother Theodore ask, as he commented that it is a terrible thing for the things of somebody to fail in your hand. He said that, indeed, this simply means that God is revealing to that person that you are not what he thinks you are, you don’t have God, you are not a co-worker.

The mighty men are those who bring success, bring victories, they bring God, brother Theodore emphasized again. He then disclosed that

In what God has called us to do, we must measure people in terms of what they have brought into the vision. We must measure them in terms of how they have moved us ahead.

He asked further.

Brother Theodore pursued, by saying that the group of the 3 mighty men admired, loved, trusted, respected, honoured David to the extent that his wishes became their commission. At great cost, with great risks and with hazard to their life they brought him something that David used to worship God. These were mighty hearts. The leader commented that there are some people who enrich you with material for worship. They are your helpers for worship by giving you wealth that you can pour on God.

That is what we need in the ministry, not these conspiracy of mediocracy of people congratulating themselves and who do not bring victories nor bring God.

The leader explained further that in the case of David in the Old Testament, might consisted in killing the enemies of God. However, in our case, in the New Testament, might consists in the enemies won.

Brother Theodore then led the community to prayer that God will give us mighty men that will accomplish mighty deeds with mighty hearts.

Commenting further, the leader said it t is battles that give birth to might, it is problems that give birth to solutions, it is need that give birth to service to ministry.

If you close your eyes to needs, if you are vaccinated against problems, if you are indifferent to the needs of your leader, how will the might we are looking for come? He asked as he stated that mighty deeds are all around, rise up and do them.

Many want a ready-made ministry, yet we are called to be sons of God, who like God, start with nothing and bring out something: that is the miracle of creation, brother Theodore finally commented.




  1. Disciples of the Jesus-Christ to make disciples for Jesus-Christ
  2. Personal Spiritual Revival
  3. The Ministry of Fasting
  4. Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (Vol 1)
  5. Practical Helps in Fasting Long Fasts
  6. Building a Spiritual Nation




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