Day 31: 2022 Fasting, Praise & Prayer Crusade – A Recap

The Message of brother Theodore during the 31st night of the Fasting Praise and Prayer Crusade was an introduction of the way Samuel built a nation, so that we can learn from him in building our spiritual nation. Brother Theodore started by underscoring that, if David built the nation with might, Samuel built the nation with spiritual fullness.

Indeed, brother Theodore, specified, Samuel was the real architect that bloomed the reign under David and Solomon. He took a backslidden and vassal nation and brought enormous spiritual fullness to build the nation of Israel, such that he produced two anointed kings. Brother Theodore highlighted that even Heaven recognized Samuel’s girth in Jeremiah 15:1. The leader commented that we are learning from Samuel because it is at our reach, because it is where CMFI is now.

Brother Theodore, thus called upon the saints to develop a real relationship with God that will enable one’s environment to be influenced positively. Bringing it down to earth, he asked why after so many years, people around someone who is said to be in a relationship with God remain unchanged. He called each one to honestly check the people around them, see what they are, for they are a testimony of who you truly are.

Another aspect outlined by Brother Theodore, in his message is loyalty and the need to have a correct heart attitude. Learning from the relationship of Hagar and Sarai, pastor brought out the disloyalty of Hagar, the towards Sara, her mistress. Her disloyalty could be seen from her contempt towards Sara. Hagar’s attitude of heart made her lose much, brother Theodore added.

On the contrary relationships like Naomi and Ruth are to be emulated in order to go very far with God.  Ruth, brother Theodore said, was loyal, open and transparent. This implied that she had the dispositions to please God at all cost, even to point of following Naomi to a land that was strange to her. Pastor Theodore therefore called on everyone to emulate the example of Ruth.



  1. Disciples of the Jesus-Christ to make disciples for Jesus-Christ
  2. Personal Spiritual Revival
  3. The Ministry of Fasting
  4. Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (Vol 1)
  5. Practical Helps in Fasting Long Fasts
  6. Building a Spiritual Nation


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