Day 32: 2022 Fasting, Praise & Prayer Crusade – A Recap

The message of brother Theodore, during the 32nd night of the fasting praise and prayer crusade was a development of the way Samuel built the nation of Israel. Reading from Ezekiel 19:1-7, brother Theodore commented that to build a nation and to build our spiritual nation we need strong, mighty men, not weaklings full of fears and hesitations.

He explained further that to build a spiritual nation, it takes people with dense spirituality that can be transmitted to generations and generations. And to build a mighty spiritual nation, beyond men with dense spirituality, it takes men who will produce other men of a greater spirituality. To produce such nation-builders, brother Theodore highlighted that we need to be statesmen, we need to have what it takes, for we cannot give what we don’t have, and we cannot have what we have not acquired, and there is no way to acquire something without furnishing the effort to acquire it.

It takes men to build a nation, men of God to build a spiritual nation, and mighty men of God to build a mighty spiritual nation, brother Theodore underscored. And that is the one thing that comes out of the life of Samuel, the leader noted. He said Samuel was built by Eli, he built himself, before building the nation.

Samuel provided a model, and just like him, if we want to build a spiritual nation we should do the same. Brother Theodore brought out three domains in which Samuel provided a model for Israel, namely: an exceptional walk with God, a distinct ministry, and leadership blamelessness.

Samuel developed a walk with God through two factors: serving a man in his immediate presence, and dwelling in the presence of God. These two factors transformed him spiritually. Brother Theodore noted that as Samuel was seeking God, God recruited him in His service though he was very young. Hence the truth that God recruits those who seek Him not those who are appointed.

Samuel also developed a distinct ministry. First God was with him, He backed all Samuel’s words, all Israel knew that Samuel was a prophet, and finally the word of Samuel came to all Israel. The leader noted that Samuel had answered a nationwide need, the Word of God that was scarce, was now usual in Israel. Therefore, brother Theodore said, ministry is not potentials, not feelings, but repeated things which you do and which are backed by God.

Lastly Samuel had leadership blamelessness. He showed integrity, and humility in all his relationship. For 90 years of leadership, he was blameless, and this was ascertained by the people as seen in 1Samuel 12.

The saints therefore prayed that God will raise men like Samuel for the building of our spiritual nation.



  1. Disciples of the Jesus-Christ to make disciples for Jesus-Christ
  2. Personal Spiritual Revival
  3. The Ministry of Fasting
  4. Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (Vol 1)
  5. Practical Helps in Fasting Long Fasts
  6. Building a Spiritual Nation



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