Day 36: 2022 Fasting, Praise & Prayer Crusade – A Recap

Our vision is a whole and we need to see the whole, the body to see this vision as God sees it. That is in short the emphasis laid by brother Theodore during his message at the 36th night of the fasting Praise and prayer Crusade. He explained that each department of our vision is to crystallise in an institution.

For example, the training of missionaries crystallised in the School of Knowing and Serving God, the priority of prayer, fasting, and discipleship crystalized in the prayer institutions, the conquest of universities crystallised in the World Conquest library, the training of children crystallized in the ZTF school and college. In the same way our world conquest science department is crystallising in ZTF university, where it will be the faculty of pharmacology. Meanwhile, in the same university, the Communication department is to crystallise in the faculty of communication. Brother Theodore, further emphasized that our department of finance is to crystallise into a bank, and a faculty of accounting and finance in the university. He insisted that our vision of money goes beyond the national legislations. Our bank is to observe all national legislations, yet go beyond them. It is a three-sector bank: an internal sector, which is our department of finance, an intermediate sector to manage our finances; and an external sector to render service to the society which we are in. To manage this bank, brother Theodore specified, we need people who know our philosophy, not those who will bring us the world’s vision, and will want to impose it.

Brother Theodore concluded by insisting that we are a body and we need to see the body, for in the current state of affairs, we cannot see the vision as God showed it to brother Zach.



  1. Disciples of the Jesus-Christ to make disciples for Jesus-Christ
  2. Personal Spiritual Revival
  3. The Ministry of Fasting
  4. Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (Vol 1)
  5. Practical Helps in Fasting Long Fasts
  6. Building a Spiritual Nation: The Foundation
  7. Building a Spiritual Nation: Spiritual Statesmanship


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