Do you know what the vision of our ministry is? Many elders want to have a church in Yaounde of one million people.
That is the vision they have. If they saw beyond Yaounde, they would have accepted the one billion disciples. They may even contribute to it. Even sacrificially to it but that is not the vision.
If you are not married to Christian service you can never understand the vision because again and again, that is where God keeps bringing us back to what God showed me in May 1971 to be the marks of a work of God.
You see when the Lord said a certain brother was not in Christian Missionary Fellowship International and that he had never been, I turned to what he wrote in 1982.
He wanted to start 1000 centres in Yaounde which would be church meeting places. In the message that asked me to excommunicate him, the Lord said he never was in Christian Missionary Fellowship International. Accidentally, I saw what he wrote in 1981 or 1982.
The central thesis of “The Way of Christian Service” are the things the Lord said to me that weekend. I withdrew in Uganda for one weekend and I came back a different man. I began to share with the brethren. A woman who had been in Uganda for 24 years drove 400 km to come and see me.
Let me tell you what I am doing now. I am presenting the Tegamnangs (missionary candidates to Namibia at the time) before God. I am saying, “God, they have offered to go to the mission field. We want to send them. But are they Your missionaries?” Their credentials are good. But God must send them out. God must be the Author. That already is one peculiarity of our vision. God must be the Author. In the way God talked to me that weekend, every day I understand it better.
Get the spirit of our vision:
Judges 7:4 “but the Lord said to Gideon, there are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will sift them out for you there. If I say, this one shall not go with you, he shall not go.”
There are people, the people called to our vision are individually called and given to us. It is people handpicked by God and given by God, it is not a voluntary enterprise. So it is not on the basis of willingness, or of what a man can do, or what he seems to have.
A work of God must originate in God.
A work of God must fit into God’s purpose.
A work of God must be done by God.
A work of God must be done by the power of the Holy Spirit.
A work of God must be done by men called to it by God.
Examples of Moses, Joshua, Gideon
They each were called by God.
I will need to be taken to heaven to be shown the heavenly model. I was there for 6 hours in 1971.
I cannot just sit and conceive, and let us have a Headquarters based on my imagination. If there is no model of it in heaven, then it should not exist.
This is part of the fear of God. It is a part of the distinctiveness of our ministry.
Pray that there will be a place in our hearts for this God and for the method of this God.
What has God called you to do in your life? Last year, when this question was asked to the elders 75% of them don’t have a clear sense of destiny.
The Lord Jesus Christ says in John18:37 “You are a King then said Pilate. Jesus answered, you are right in saying I am a King. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came to this world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
A man must know: for this reason, I was born.
For this reason I came into this world.
That is the sense of destiny.
If you don’t know the reason for which you were born or you were born for 1001 things, you are very confused. You have missed it.
Hell has fought to ensure that the brethren never sort this matter out.
Could 10 brethren pray that God’s children in our ministry worldwide would settle this issue?
“For this reason I was born, for this reason I came into the world.”
Father we pray in the name of Jesus Christ that this matter of the sense of destiny with the call of God in a man’s life will be imparted.
We overthrow principalities, powers, and evil spirits working to ensure that the brethren never settle this matter.
Mark 13:34: “It’s like a man going away: he leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with his assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.”
What is your assigned task?
What are the other distractions for?
In the heavenly model, everything is settled in details.
But demons have not allowed a man to settle on the one thing to which God has called him, for they bring so many other things that look so wonderful, as wonderful as the devil.
Pray that this truth will burn in the hearts of all here.
It will take all of your life to finish your assigned task.
Any other thing will ensure that you fail!
A prayer room with many free periods that people “fill” by meditating and reading the Bible, is not a room of war.
A room where anybody entering says, “woe is me if the missionaries do not succeed” is a prayer room, but it is a room with an assigned task.