On Our Vision (ZT Fomum)

cmfi vision

For those of you, who don’t know the vision; let me start in the middle. Generally speaking, there is a Pharaoh and a Moses. The Pharaoh is like the vision receiver.

God gave the vision of what was to happen to Egypt and the choice of the Pharaoh for executing it was Joseph.

When you start dealing with the sovereign choice of God, you will crumble when you question God.

God choose Pharaoh and gave him the vision then Pharaoh chose Joseph and gave him the execution. This talks of:

God gave the vision to a Pharaoh. Pharaoh saw. Then on the basis of what Pharaoh saw, Joseph set –up the whole situation for the salvation of Egypt and Canaan. Whenever you are confused, ask “who is the Pharaoh, who is the Joseph?”

It will solve the problem of your heart and save you from wasting your life.

God showed the pattern to Moses.

I have gone to India 19 times. During one of the trips, I was asked to go to New Delhi and pray. I spent 10 days praying night and day. Then the Lord asked me to go to Varanasi and pray. Varanasi is the spiritual capital of India. One of the greatest temples of Hinduism is there; I didn’t know. I went for 10 days. Then the Lord told me I should wrestle with hosts of wickedness in heavenly places that hold billions under control. He asked me to dismantle them. He said each needed 10 supra-long fasts.

And the Lord took me into the 3 most painful experiences of my life. I felt pain from head to toe. I was dying; I was collapsing.

It was horrible. It was horrible.

For two hours, I was in horrible pain. I cannot describe it. I had plugged into the host of Hinduism.

After some time, with the same pain but weaker, I entered into contact with the spirit of Buddhism. It was terrible pain all over my being. Then it was the last of the hosts. I am not fasting out of pleasure. I like food. Food is good. But fasting is an indispensable weapon of warfare, and God has called me to supra long fasts.

The first fast was 52 days, the next was 56 days, and this one is going to be 80 days.

Those of you who are older battled with the prince of Yaounde and he was overthrown. One of the results is that there are over 400 new churches in the city (in 2009). We overthrew the prince, but we did not move to possess the land.

The prince of Douala was overthrown, but the brethren did not move out as they ought to have.

We have found grace with God to be given some responsibilities beyond our ministry. For the first 17 trips in India, we had no ministry of our own there.

We have gone to 33 cities in India to teach on prayer.

Some things, brethren have been shown to me.

I am a kind of Pharaoh

I am a kind of Moses

And the way God has done it is to call me to pay a supreme price for what I have seen. I have not said, “you go and do this”. And again, just for the senior brethren, that is the difference between the apostle and the prophet: to the prophet, God says “this will happen” and he can go. For the Apostle, his life is involved intimately in what he has seen.

I did not know this before I went to Australia last year.

We have been given a vision that includes God’s purposes in our generation. We have been given a responsibility to bring a contribution to God’s purposes in our generation. Whether it is in India, Australia, Europe, we must bring a contribution within the context of our own ministry which is commanded to go and make disciples, and it overflows to all the children of God on Planet Earth in our generation.

Brethren, I plead with you, open your hearts and accept the responsibility to which you must each bring your personal contribution to the purposes of Jesus Christ in this city, to the performance in the church in Yaounde, to God’s warfare in our generation, to this continent that the devil wants to tear to bits with poverty.

You are in Yaounde but you belong to the whole world.

Brother Ajime told me it is rarely shorter than that.

When you put your one franc, you are no longer the same. You have engaged your heart. Then you will put your prayers and your fasts.

Don’t tremble because of what God demands from others.

One David had to face Goliath for the nation. That is why we face this task given to us. You have a distinctive contribution to make and everyone you can influence. We have found favour; His unmerited favour. But what we do will affect the nations.

So we are moving according to a vision; according to a vision that was given to us but which was also confirmed.

First of all, a Jew came to Bepanda (where the church in Douala was meeting at that time) when we were still a small group there. He said he saw the Gospel going from Cameroon to all the world. We were too insignificant to merit such a vision.

Then a team of Americans of the organization called World Salt Foundation were praying about God’s interests globally.

And a man called Doctor L. B., formerly an army Chaplin, saw a flame leave a spot and fill the world. He got the praying to stop. They went to the map and found that this thing came out of Cameroon. Then they sent somebody to come and see if something was happening in Cameroon that could spread to the whole world. And the man came to Cameroon and did his research. It was in 1979. We had just started the ministry then. He met a missionary who was in Cameroon and was very frustrated because, at that point, his work was not moving. It is this American who told him that if anything would ever happen, it would be related to a certain Doctor Fomum. This man had invited me to speak in a school and God shook the School. and he told the man who had come to look for me that I was impossible to see. The American said, “I delight in doing the impossible.” A few days later, he was washing my feet in Douala.

Brethren, a man is not what he talks. He gave me an invitation to America, and that is how I went to the USA in 1980. They wanted to find out if I had the character of a man through whom God could do something.

America is spacious, but he made sure he slept with me in the same room. He was studying the man. In the mornings from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m., while I was having my Daily Dynamic Encounters with God, he was sleeping. The world is a sleeping world. It is unfortunate. It was my first trip to America, and by the grace of God, I am not interested in things. The next time, he took me to Pat Robinson and I was on CBN. By the grace of God, they had found that my character and life were consistent with something that God could spread globally.

In the second trip, they took Galatians 6:6 for me: 8000 dollars. Someone gave me metallic silver. The day before I was to leave, God told me to leave everything there. I left everything there. Even the two suits someone bought for me, I sent them to him.

I begged God to allow me to come with a Revised Standard Version Bible that someone gave me because my Bible was old.

God is going to take what happens with us to the whole world. Even the devil cannot stop it.

There are going to be two revivals. The first one will be our own.

The second one will be beyond our ministry. For it, we will be called to bring a contribution in Daily Dynamic Encounters with God which will ensure that the revival continues, and in accountability, that will ensure that people walk with God accountably. And of course in the making of disciples. Those are the three things that CMFI must contribute to the coming revival and everything Christian. We shall have to teach people, how to have Daily Dynamic Encounters with God, how to make disciples, and how to be accountable. 

I have just finished reading on revival. I wish I could get 100 copies and give each of our leaders. Brethren, many revivals were very short-lived. The brethren did not know how to handle it and how to make the revival a continuous movement. It is in preparing things ahead of time that it is done.

Brethren, if in one week, half a million people in this city believe, it will either be a total blessing or total confusion. In Wales alone in 1904, 180.000 people believed in 2 months.

That is the vision. We must send our missionaries all over Planet Earth, not to make a name for us, but to pray, win souls and produce a people who will help others in the day of God’s visitation.

Imagine if every Presbyterian, every Baptist, every Evangelical is truly born again in one week. One good thing is that they have Bibles. But somebody will have to teach them how to feed on this manna on a daily basis, how to be a disciple, etc.

If the Holy Spirit comes down and all the Catholics believe in one go, they will need Bibles. We need to make a stock of one million Bibles.

But God must visit us first and prepare us.

I beg you, put everything to enter into the tornado of God and do everything possible to move the largest number of people to prepare. Tolerate no sin in your life. Kill it or it will kill you. Don’t say God has tolerated me with it for the last ten years. It might have become now a sin unto death. 

Great things are before us


Yaounde 6th February 2009

Joint Prayer Meeting Damase

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