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Praying for a Young Assembly in a New Area of Work

Binding the Enemy

  1. Take authority over all the powers of darkness that rule in the place. Bind them with strong cords and keep them bound until God’s purpose for the place has been accomplished.
  2. Bind in particular, the special satanic spirit that controls the other spirits that run the devil’s errands in the place. Destroy the communication between the devil and all his servants in the spiritual realm.
  3. Release the glorious power of the Lord to rule in the town and make victorious spiritual battling possible.


  1. Ask the Lord to raise up the right spiritual leadership for that town.
  2. Ask that the God-raised leadership would receive assurance from Him about their call to leadership.
  3. Demand that the Lord should grant to the leaders His eternal purpose for that place and His foreordained methods for realizing that purpose.
  4. Plead with the Lord that the leaders be given leadership gifts, including an unusual capacity to pick future leaders and train them.

The Local Assembly

Its Pattern and Ministry

  1. Ask the Lord that the local assembly be built on the pattern of the Lord as revealed in the New Testament and no other.
  2. Ask that its ministry be centered on the winning of sinners and establishing the saints.

Its Evangelism Ministry

  1. Lord, grant the Gospel to be proclaimed to all the sinners in the town by all the God-sanctioned methods, including personal evangelism by cassettes.
  2. Lord, grant those who hear the Gospel to repent and believe the whole Gospel.
  3. Lord, grant all the disciples to become members of the local church.

Its Teaching Ministry

  1. Lord, raise up a teaching ministry for young converts.
  2. Grant spiritually qualified teachers for the young convert’s meetings.
  3. Lord, raise up a deep and far-reaching teaching ministry for maturing saints.
  4. Raise up teachers with teaching gifts for a lasting teaching ministry.
  5. Reveal to the teachers how best to teach your Word so that it is understood and the right fruits borne for Your glory.
  6. Create a deep hunger in the hearts of all Your children for the Word and grant them spiritual receptivity.
  7. Lord, may some of those who are now being taught rapidly grow into teachers.

Its Prayer Life

  1. Lord, make it into a praying church.
  2. Grant their praying to be goal-directed.
  3. Grant them to run a prayer strategy for the church and carry it out.
  4. Raise up some of them into “watchmen.”
  5. May fasting become part of their normal prayer life.
  6. Answer multitudes of their prayers as a token of Your love for them.

Its Life of Fellowship

  1. Lord, may they be open and transparent to each other.
  2. Lord, enable brotherly love to start and continue in all holiness.
  3. Give them a spirit of mutual forgiveness and mutual submission.
  4. Give them the ability to freely share with each other what they have received from You of both spiritual and material blessings. 5. Give them an unusual capacity to seek backsliders and restore them to the Lord.

Its Ministries

  1. Raise ministers for every ministry in the local church.
  2. Grant the ministers to be endued with spiritual power and authority and the spiritual gifts to be evident.
  3. Enable their character to promote the Gospel.

The World

  1. Bind and bring to naught all the attractive things of the world that aim at keeping sinners away from the Lord.
  2. Create a deep dissatisfaction in the hearts of the unbelievers and cause them to seek the Lord and live.
  3. Grant your children favour before the political and social leaders of the town so that the Gospel will not suffer setbacks.

Further Outreach

  1. Ask that the work be enabled to expand from this town to the other towns around so that Christ may be glorified.
  2. Ask God to enable the daughter assemblies to stand mature in Christ.
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