Back From Missions: Sweden, Finland, Norway

In my walk with God, it was wonderful. In ministering to the nations, I reaped the horrible sin of prayerlessness.

Prayerlessness is the worst sin. The nations are in a horrible condition. There is only one answer prayer.

The worst sin you can commit against a person, city, nation, is not to pray for it. We have sown the sin of thirty years of prayerlessness for the Scandinavian nations. I reaped it. I touched the lack of interest in God, thirty years of prayerlessness. They are not interested. They are not even curious. They don’t want God. They are hardened to the core. They are not interested. It is as if I had to go there to know the full horror of prayerlessness. They are developed. They are friendly, but if you dare mention God. Thirty years of not going to church.

If we had prayed in 1977, 1978, till today, I would have gone to nations that are hungry for God. Hunger is received in answer to prayer. When there is no prayer, they are hardened. We wake-up the day before the missions and make noise to God.

The sin of prayerlessness.

The sin of not praying for the whole world;

The sin of not praying for each nation in the world;

The sin of not rising to God’s interest (global);

Lord, give me hunger for God. Help me sow; radical sowing.

We have not prayed; we have reaped what prayerlessness produces.

I went to the Information Centre and asked for information on churches.


The person who has decided that he will not bring God in, has decided that Satan will occupy.

Pray to come even for one night of prayer to pray, to pray for the world. You are sleeping. Finally your own hearts will be so hardened and so godless that even the bit you have will go away.

We will pray for the 200 nations and by the grace of God, this experience will not be repeated again.

Then I will need to go to the nations;

Then I will need to walk along the streets,

Then I will need to go long before our missionaries go there; bringing God down into a quarter, city.

Massively bringing God down, continuously bringing God down. That is the way ahead.

Other things will be said in the prayer nights.

You sow, you reap.

You sow prayerlessness, you reap godlessness.

I understand why God said this trip should be in a fast.

It was the A, B, C of saying God we are serious.

I pray that you change your attitude to prayer forever.

I pray that you change your attitude to prayer for the nations forever.

I pray that you change your attitude to prayer for everything forever.

SAY: I will pray!!!

Personal crusade for the nations.

The Lord convicted me for having abandoned Israel.

We don’t pray, we don’t encourage Israel. Jerusalem is the spiritual capital of the world. I will go there by the end of November to pray for the world for five days and take 5,000 dollars.

God is taking us, leadership role so seriously. I had a leadership course of six hours with (the leaders in) Paris leaders.

I must go to Korea may be to see more of our sins. Lord, perform the miracle so that a visa is given in hand. Christian Missionary Fellowship International.

Temporary site.

A ministry of Salvation, Healing and Deliverance.

We are at your service.

Christian Missionary Fellowship International. Temporary site. A ministry of Salvation, Healing and Deliverance.

We have the best message.

The form of the School of Knowing and Serving God – Publicity.

The personal card to use for evangelism: “Carte De Visite” (Complementary Card).

By all means, what we have done in thirty years, we must do it in three years now. We must give a time limit to which every person in Yaounde must have heard the gospel. The ministers must come and worship with us. We have to take bold steps, command doors to open. We must work to see key people, to give them books and talk to them. We must act with urgency

Ask yourself: Where can I find the most strategic and the most impact causing?

An angel came and woke me. I heard a knock at the door. Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

I opened, there was nobody!

I was keeping time that was one hour behind.

It is only when the taxi came.

Yaounde, 12th October, 2007

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