The Bertoua Land: Permanent Headquarters of CMFI

My son, the land in Bertoua where forty-eight hectares have already been acquired and where a total of one thousand hectares should be acquired as soon as possible to complete Phase One purchasing of land, is My gift to you for the Headquarters of Christian Missionary Fellowship International.

Accept this as a love gift from your Heavenly Beloved. It is a gift. It is the best gift I have for you for that purpose and so you should accept it with joy, gladness, applause, thanksgiving, and worship.

You paid the price for this land by the eleven prayer walks between the Sanaga and Bafia. I received each of the walks as the price paid for the Bertoua land, but you had not yet reached the maturity in your knowledge of Me and your walk with Me for Me to tell you then. So I decided to receive the down payment for the land from you while waiting for you to grow and mature. You have reached the required maturity and so this day I give you the land in the perfection of My will and for the outworking of My full glory for My exclusive glory and for your blessing, blessing, blessing, blessing, blessing, blessing, blessing and favour. favour, favour, favour, favour, favour, and favour. From the Headquarters of Our Ministry in Bertoua, I will bless

in a way that it shall be difficult for tongue to tell. My Word says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2: 9). I have prepared things for you, for yours, and for Our work that will be difficult to put into words for you to understand at the moment. I only say to you that I will bless you spiritually with the treasures of heaven and I will bless you materially with the treasures of this era. Zacharias Tanee Fomum, you are a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall. With bitterness archers attacked you; they shot at you with hostility. But your bow remained steady, your strong arms stayed supple, because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel, because of your father’s God, who helps you, because of the Almighty, who blesses you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings of the deep that lies below, blessings of the breast and womb” (Genesis 49: 22-25).

I give Myself to you in full measure now, as I have never done before. I give you My inward being. I give you My knowing. I give you My power. I give you My character. I give you all that I am to the extent to which you can have Me and to the extent to which you can use Me

The Headquarters in Bertoua shall contain all the structures that are central to the Ministry:

  1. The administrative structures
  2. The Press
  3. The Radio and Television
  4. The World University of Prayer
  5. The School of Knowing and Serving God
  6. The Bertoua House of Prayer For All Nations
  7. The Academy of Thanksgiving, Praise, And Worship
  8. The School of Walking And Living By Faith
  9. The Bible Correspondence Course
  10. Prayer Centre
  11. Hope Clinic
  12. Love Home (Orphanage)
  13. Academic Institutions
  14. Farms
  15. Retreat places
  16. Etc.

You have a stream flowing in the land so that you can do the things that need a stream and you can develop it further. 

There is no longer any need for an Africa Headquarters of the work. Theodore should set up a Nigeria Headquarters for Nigeria Ministry. All that concerns the entire work shall be based in Bertoua. So Bertoua shall contain

The Bertoua convention that was planned for December 2004 must be postponed. The one thousand hectares of land need to be acquired before there is a massive descent of people on the spot.

Son, all development on the land needs to stop, and all efforts be invested in the acquisition of land. Because of what the project has now become, a totally new orientation and thinking is now required since it is no longer the construction of temporary structures, but building that shall handle meetings from national to planetary conventions of Our Ministry and even big, very big meetings that shall go beyond the scope of Christian Missionary Fellowship International.

I will reveal things to you gradually until all is revealed. I will give you the heavenly blueprint of what is to be on the land and you shall build according to the pattern.

I will bless the town of Bertoua and I will bless the East Province. I will cause wealth, wealth, wealth, mineral wealth to be found in her in outstanding quantities, and this shall be exploited. I am setting forth the Headquarters in a Province of wealth, wealth, and wealth.

You shall move and settle permanently in Bertoua in June 2010. Between now and then you shall make an increasing number of trips to Bertoua to contribute to the development of the Church in Bertoua and the work in the East, as well as storm Heaven for the Headquarters project. By the time you physically move there to reside, most of the departments should already be installed and functioning from there.

You need to purchase the entire Headquarters land of 10.000 hectares. You know the abundance of the bank of heaven and the treasury of heaven. Set out to ask systematically, again and again, praying for each million seven hundred times, and, as you pray, the money will come. It will come in a twinkle from the beginning and, as more people pray and more praying comes to the Throne, mere will be a steady increase and then an overflow. If you move along these lines, you will have paid for the ten thousand hectares in five years from today.

You will need many partners to execute the Headquarters project You need prayer partners. You need fasting partners. You need knowledge partners. You need wisdom partners. You need financial partners. You need a practical workforce. Ask of Me and I will give you partners in Cameroon, in Africa, and Worldwide. Because of the agricultural part of the project and the academic institution part of the project, you shall receive help from the saints and from the lost for the project. You shall set up a number of NGOs to carry parts of the project and you shall solicit help from governments that are willing and able to help.

I am calling you to reach out with the Gospel to ten billion people at the beginning of the twenty-first century. I am asking you to disciple one billion people at the beginning of the twenty-first century so that they render total obedience to Me at the beginning of the twenty-first century. You must forget the wineskins of the first century and give the people the wine of the pre-creation epoch (the Lord Jesus) to the people of the twenty-first century in twenty-first-century wineskins. This is utterly important for you to understand, accept and practice so that all goes the way I have ordained.

My commitment to you is total.

My commitment to this project is total.

It is Our project.

It is My project.


Beijing, 2004




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