The Centrality of Prayer – 2

It is a priority now that God find a church in our Work that is a centre of prayer. I read something to some Brethren about one such church in Kenya. There is prayer every morning and there is prayer every evening and there is prayer every night. Every part of the Work, like the Children’s Ministry, has a strategic prayer programme. The Youth Ministry has a strategic weekly praying.

Every aspect of the Work has strategic praying every week. The senior pastor and the key leaders pray for six-and-a-half hours every Saturday. Then there are the intercessors who withdraw for four or five days of being locked away each month to pray. And the leader of the church is a man with many degrees. He and his wife stayed in Nairobi where the powers of Satan are reduced, and they gave themselves to six months of praying. That is the only thing they did for six months before they moved to this town. And when they got there, they did not preach. They just prayed for six months before they started telling anybody about the Gospel. They know that that which is of the flesh cannot stand before the Living God. They know that there are many things that God will not do unless people pray.

Let me tell you – you will be shocked just before you die that because you did not prioritise prayer, you squandered your life. You may say, “I am successful.” You are 10,000 and you think that you have succeeded, when you should be 100,000. You are the greatest fool who ever lived. When you make a million francs a month when you could have been making a hundred million, you are the greatest fool. When you are a Director whereas with prayer you would have been a Minister, and you say, “But I am a Director,” your folly is great. When you take 25 years to be where you could have been in two years had you prayed and prayed, and you say, “But see where I am,” you are of all men to be the most pitied.

Prayer is where the action is. All else can be ignored without great loss.

The one who ignores prayer has prioritised the flesh. And it will fail him hopelessly.
Has it occurred to you that your health is a reflection of what your prayer life is?
The body that knows intense praying also knows intense healing!
Has it ever occurred to you that your strength is a product of your praying?
Those who pray aggressively have enormous strength.
Those who pray unceasingly have unceasing energy.
Has it ever occurred to you that contentment flows from prayer?
The praying saint is soaked in God and knows God as his fulfilment and as his contentment!
Has it ever occurred to you that your finances, your financial success, depends upon your prayer success, and that your constant need is because of your constant need of prayer?

Because, for the person who majors in prayer, even the needs not raised to God are provided. For the person who lingers in the presence of God, even what he doesn’t ask is given to him. Whereas, the one who carnally goes searching for things will find them fleeing from him. They leave him broken, shattered and with great wants.

Do you know that the favour of God follows those who pray, that the more they pray the more they have the favour of God?

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