The Centrality of Prayer – 1

The last law of success for this series: Whatever you do for God, it begins in intensive and extensive praying. When there is failure there, it is majoring on minors. Even for your own personal life

If there is no centralisation of prayer, you are majoring on minors.


Any Church that does not prioritise prayer is majoring on minors.

It is ultimately a human work. It will have no eternal consequence.

What God does lasts. It can never be overthrown.

And what God does, He does in answer to prayer.

A person is what he is in prayer.

All other things can be forgotten with little loss.

Failure to call upon God and failure to bring God into a situation is a slap on God’s face! It is saying, “God, I can do without You!” It is saying, “God, You are secondary; You are tertiary.” And God will unquestionably answer back to that slap on His face. I want to tell you again,

If your personal walk with God is not centred, rooted and built on prayer, you will fail. You will certainly never get to where you could have gotten.

And if your ministry is not rooted in prayer, in the end you will be picked up for the fraud that you are.

And if your marriage life is not built on prayer, you will have it.

And if your children are not built in prayer, someday you will look at them and wish you had been sterile, because they will shock you to the left and shock you to the right.

The only guarantee of the next ten, twenty, thirty, forty years is what is being built today in prayer.

If you belittle prayer, God will belittle you, because you did not consider God an absolute must.

You did not do all to bring Him in. Things will escape out of your hands – whether it is business, academics, monies, peace of heart and, above all, the relationship with God and the work for God. In prayer, a man or a woman melts into God.

In prayer a man or a woman melts into God and God melts into him/her.

At prayer God gives Himself to a person.
In prayer, God allows Himself to be known.

He reveals Himself to the praying saint and hides Himself from those who don’t pray. They will never know Him, because they did not consider Him worthy of pursuit. He will let them go without Him.

(From the book The Law of Success Chp 12 pg 132)

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