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The Marks of the New Heart (Z.T. Fomum)

The new heart has a burning desire to invest all its time, money, wealth, possessions, talents, gifts, opportunities, privileges, and all else, into the service of the Lord!

  1. Having a burning desire to know the Lord Jesus.
  2. Having a burning desire to read the Bible.
  3. Reading and re-reading the Bible.
  4. Reading with great appetite all that will enhance a knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
  5. Having a burning love for all believers, regardless of their class, wealth, position or grouping.
  6. Having a deep satisfaction with the companionship of anyone who knows the Lord Jesus.
  7. Having a love of prayer.
  8. Praying much of the time.
  9. Praying frequently.
  10. Praying directly to God.
  11. Having much faith in prayer.
  12. Having great expectations of answers to prayer.
  13. Hating all sin.
  14. Fleeing from all sin.
  15. Having a great desire to give materially for the Gospel so that others may be saved.
  16. Having a great desire to give materially for the Gospel so that the needs of the brethren be met.
  17. Losing all interest in pursuing gain.
  18. Having a desire to give away all that can be given away so that the needs of others be met.
  19. Enjoying satisfaction with a little.
  20. Being content with what one has.
  21. Not complaining about people.
  22. Not complaining about things.
  23. Not complaining about circumstances.
  24. Seeing God’s hand in every situation.
  25. Expecting God’s intervention in every situation.
  26. Recklessly presenting the Gospel to sinners without thought of the consequences to the one presenting it or to the one to whom it is being presented, since the Gospel is the offer of the best in time and in eternity.
  27. Valuing things only from their consequences in eternity.
  28. Ignoring or discarding things that are temporary in impact.
  29. Arriving early at the place of prayer.
  30. Arriving early at the place of worship.
  31. Arriving early at the place of Bible teaching.
  32. Lingering at the place of prayer when the meeting is over, wishing there were more.
  33. Lingering at the place of worship, wishing there were more.
  34. Lingering at the place of Bible teaching, wishing there were more.
  35. Doing everything to be in the company of those who know Jesus more.
  36. Doing everything to be in the company of those who can offer more of Jesus.
  37. Confessing sin easily.
  38. Confessing sin clearly.
  39. Completely forsaking sin.
  40. Feeling sorrow over sin committed.
  41. Abandoning plans and projects that were made to possess the world.
  42. No longer being preoccupied with physical appearance.
  43. Losing interest in good clothes.
  44. Losing interest in good housing.
  45. Losing interest in good cars.
  46. Losing interest in all worldly tastes.
  47. Losing desire to guarantee the future.
  48. Feeling a heightened desire to give now for the needs of the Lord and the Lord’s people.
  49. Feeling an unceasing desire to win all men to the Lord.
  50. Feeling no shame of the Gospel.
  51. Presenting the Gospel to all men alike without fear of rank.
  52. Doing everything to advance the Gospel.
  53. Doing everything to win some.
  54. Doing everything to let everyone know that one belongs to the Lord Jesus.
  55. Considering those without Christ as absolute tragedies.
  56. Considering the pleasures of those without Christ as folly in the extreme.
  57. Considering money banked on earth as a great loss.
  58. Considering money banked in heaven as plain wisdom.
  59. Withdrawing money from worldly banks and investing it into the bank of heaven.
  60. Having no fear of persecution.
  61. Having no fear of being disapproved of by those who do not know God.
  62. Being content that the Lord’s name is glorified, regardless of who receives the applause from man.
  63. Having a willingness to do any service for the glory of the Lord Jesus, regardless of how menial it may be.
  64. Being content with the position of a servant of God and a servant of man.
  65. Finding deep fulfilment in spiritual things.
  66. Finding worldly things offensive.
  67. Tolerating worldly people because of the prospect that they might be won for the Lord.
  68. Tolerating worldly position because of the prospect that it might provide an opportunity to serve the Lord Jesus.
  69. Abandoning selfish ambition.
  70. Having a great desire to do great things for the Lord.
  71. Believing all things.
  72. Hoping all things.
  73. Loving all people.
  74. Seeing no possibility of disobeying God’s law.
  75. Knowing God’s law for what it is: final and irrevocable.
  76. Entertaining no thought of backsliding.
  77. Hating all that was done in the condition of the old heart.
  78. Regretting the years spent in unbelief.
  79. Regretting the opportunities lost while in unbelief.
  80. Being determined to gain all that can be gained.

The new heart has a heightened desire to be free from the following:

  1. The works of the flesh
  2. The love of the world
  3. The love of the things of the world

The new heart has a burning desire to:

  1. Seek the Lord
  2. Find the Lord
  3. Know the Lord
  4. Love the Lord
  5. Make the Lord its bliss
  6. Serve the Lord as an overflow of love

The new heart has a burning desire to invest all its time, money, wealth, possessions, talents, gifts, opportunities, privileges, and all else, into the service of the Lord!

We can present it as follows:

Professor Zacharias Tanee  Fomum

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