The devil cannot stand complete projects. What he does is to bring another project and make it seemingly more spiritual. Uncompleted projects talk of Satan intervention at some point of the work.
The power to persist until a project is completed is available to the believer. This is part of the power that we have received. We have the power to complete one project and then to move to the next.
We have the power to say, ”Having received this project, I cannot move to the next.” The worth of a man is not based on the projects that he starts. It lies in the projects that he finishes.
When you see resistance coming from the enemy, rise up and meet force with force. Do not yield to the forces that would rather that any of your projects is only partially done. There are many people who would have been great had they but finished a single project. God is a finisher of His projects.
Unaccomplished projects are a manifestation of the laziness of a busy man. To be busy is not to be hard-working. The one who cannot accomplish a project is not a hard-working man. He could be very busy but busily going nowhere.
If you cannot be one of the first, be one of those who finished the race.
We are responsible to the channeling of the power of God in us to the accomplishment of projects. The shepherds of God’s people must plan how to make use of this super abundant power. God’s power in them is not to be wasted, though it is in immeasurable amounts.
Divine sovereignty cannot tolerate waste. Waste of time, money, and opportunities are intolerable by God. The power to command five loaves of bread to feed five thousand people is also available to command the remains picked up in twelve baskets.
The power to continue in a project does not depend on emotions. Emotions are given to start a project. They may not always be there in the continuity of the project. Continuity will often be by faith. We are believers, not feelers. By faith we have the strength to move on when there is great increase, and the strength to move on when all is scanty.
Two Better Than One
There is need for every shepherd of God’s people to have a co-shepherd. This one will stand with him when he feels like giving up. He needs that external help from a good co-shepherd on whom he can count upon for anything.
There was a time pastor Yongi Cho was contemplating suicide. Remember, he has the largest single assembly in the world. But some people ran to his aid and saved the pastor. These believed him in his hour of deepest darkness. Their faith saved him. Their reward in heaven will be great.
We all need the power to believe people and continue to believe them when all seems dark. Are you that one person for whom another counts for his success? The men who believe a man before there is any much visible evidence of his worth are most treasured.
Peter and the rest of the disciples only followed an inner witness of the Holy Spirit in relation to the Lord Jesus. They did not doubt Him. Judas’ name is not in the foundations of heaven because he doubted. It needed only an act of faith and a trust to the inner prompting to obey, when Jesus, without any manifest work, told Peter, “Come follow me.” We of today have enough to depend on to follow Jesus. They never had our today’s facts and evidence. They simply believed Jesus.
Power to Keep The Sheep
We must be able to say, like our Lord, “I lost none”, when it comes to the people God has given us. While there is a program to bring in new sheep there must also be one to bring in the fallen sheep. There is the power to bring in, and there is also the power to keep what was brought in, and the power to restore the fallen. You have this power.
When a sheep has failed, it is when it needs love the most. The backslider is a fallen man. The hottest embrace should be reserved for him. One thing that keeps backsliders away for long is a doubt as to whether they will be accepted by the abiding brethren or not.
You have power to love the backslider. You have the power to love the love-unworthy.