The Prophecy of Cindy Jacobs to Z.T. Fomum

The Prophecy of Cindy Jacobs about  Zacharias Tanee Fomum, his work, and ministry.

 I see the following:

  1. A big church building built in such a way that people are walking around on the upper part of it and praying.

  2. The church building is on a massive piece of land with trees planted around it. It is all so beautiful that it becomes known as the “Garden of Renown”. There are plants from all over the world so that it comes to be known as “Garden for the nations”.

  3. In this garden, there are places to pray scattered in all directions and in large numbers.

  4. A Mature Prayer Centre where people are taught to pray and where people are praying.

  5. A Bible Training School training thousands of people who go as missionaries to very many nations. Yes, I see thousands of missionaries trained and sent out from the School.

  6. A Massive Publishing House from which books go to the nations. Yes, a publishing house from which books flow in great quantities. I see books, books; I see tracts, tracts, flowing from this Publishing House.

  7. I see Missionaries going out from your ministry in great numbers. I see missionaries in large numbers going to the nations.

  8. I see an Institute of Music. Music from this Institute will be wonderful. From this institute will come some of the finest musicians. People will come from all over Africa to study at this Institute.

  9. I see you carrying out ministry in each of the countries of North Africa. I see your ministry prospering especially in Egypt.

  10. I see your ministry in Mauritania. Your ministry will have one of the first permits to be issued by the government of that country.

  11. God will connect you to the Zulu. You will be His Ambassador to them. You will teach on prayer and it will revolutionize their lives.

  12. God is going to send you to bring revival to America.

  13. God will use you miraculously to heal Rwanda.

  14. Your daughter Ruth and her husband will plant a big church in London with many Moslem converts as a part of the congregation.

  15. Your last daughter Mary will have a powerful teaching ministry. God will give her revelations and she will write many books.

  16. You will establish a Christian University which will be one of the best of the very best. The university will have all kinds of departments.

  17. God asked you to give and to give money into the kingdom. His purpose in doing this was so that you may have the power to break the curse of poverty. You have the power, the anointing to break the curse of poverty and you shall use it.

  18. Cameroon will become one of the loftiest nations in Africa.

  19. Cameroon will prosper exceedingly, “I see gold, gold, so much gold in the nation”.

  20. God will raise up from the church in Yaounde men of commerce. Yes, God will raise up from Cameroon, from your ministry, men of commerce. I see these men of commerce exporting gold in very large quantities. I see millions of dollars being brought in to finance the Gospel.

  21. God will shake the house one more time before the Vision can come to pass. Some elders will leave but you should not worry about it.

New Life Church Centre,

Colorado Springs, USA

15th February 1997.

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