The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Yaounde

My children, I have brought you to My victory.

My children, I have brought you to My victory.

Yes, I have brought you to My victory.

l have brought you to My victory.

I have brought you to My victory.

I have brought you to My victory.

It was My victory because it was tied to the cross.

But I invited you to My victory by inviting you to My battle.

You were in My battle.

I invite you to share My victory.

I invite you to share My victory.

A victory that flows from the cross

A victory that flows forth in ever-increasing might.

The prince of Yaounde is overthrown.

The prince of your city is overthrown.

The prince of this city is overthrown.

I have overthrown the prince that I may give you the city.

I give you the city.

It is My gift of love to you.

I give you the city.

First, I give you the big men of the city, to possess for Me.

And I give you all the inhabitants of the city to possess for Me.

I give you all the inhabitants of the city to possess for Me.

I give you all the inhabitants of the city to possess for Me.

They shall be Mine and you shall ensure that I rule over them.

I give them to you to ensure My reign over them.

I give you all My children in the city.

I give you all My children in the city.

Those who recognize you, and those who do not recognize you.

Those who accept you and those who do not accept you.

I give them to you; that you might lead them into My fullness.

And you shall bring them into My perfection.

They are your responsibility.

They are your responsibility.

They are your possession; possess them for Me

You shall do all you can, as I open doors, to bring all that I give you into My perfection

Even as I lead you, you shall lead them into holiness, into a knowledge of God that is

deep, total and perfect.

I give you the city to control first of all, economically.

I am coming with you to take the position you take.

I am coming with you to take the position you take.

I am coming with you to execute what you proclaim.

You are to take the city and govern it economically.

You are to take the city and govern it administratively.

You are to take the city and govern it politically.

You shall ensure that all My will is established in the city:

You shall ensure that all of My will is established in the city.

I give you the city. You shall possess it for Me.

The prince has been overthrown but you must possess the city for Me.

There is a mighty job ahead. The task of possessing the city, possessing the men of

the city and bringing them under the control, under the control, of My exalted Son!

Of My exalted Son!

Of My exalted Son!

This day, as never before, I declare this city the city of My exalted Son.

And you shall ensure that His majesty, His honour and His power are established over the city; are felt in all the milieus.

Yes, you shall possess the city. You shall possess the men of the town.

You shall decide the direction in which the city thinks.

You shall decide the direction in which the city moves.

I give you authority to decide the city’s future.

If you will come along, believing Me regardless of the odds, regardless of evidence to contrary, the city will be introduced into My wealth in all domains.

The city will be yours.

Therefore, I call you to walk by faith and not doubt.

The prince of the city has been overthrown.

The prince of the city has been overthrown.

Initially, there will just be small signs.

But increasingly, as you enlarge to possess the town, as you enlarge your tents, as you enlarge your hearts, as you become strong to possess the city, you will recognize that the power of the enemy has been broken, and that he is taken from authority and that the city is yours.

The city is yours!

The city is yours.

And you shall control it spiritually,

And you shall control it economically,

And you shall control it administratively

And you shall control it politically.

You shall not allow anything in the city that I do not allow.

You are all mature people. You know My word. You know My will.

You know what l desire concerning the city; you shall bring it to pass.

You shall use the continuing weapon of fasting and of prayer, in the task of possessing the city.

But remember, that the prince is overthrown.

The city is yours. You are to possess every man.

It is to you to move and to possess.

All souls you possess are Mine.

And because of My special love for you, I will strengthen you,

so that you do not fail to possess the whole city.

My children, oh how I love you!

And I have loved you for many years.

And I have loved you for many years.

And I have loved you for many years.

And I am walking in your midst that you might clearly see.

That power belongs to Me. Power to bring down and power to lift up

And I am walking in your midst to show that I can promote even the smallest so that all may be humble.

I have moved in your midst in an extraordinary way that you may know that l am the

Lord; that l am guiding you.

Be encouraged.

So much has happened in your midst.

l have battled with you to bring down all in you that does not glorify Me.

I have broken you, smashed you but I have also built you, cleansed and sanctified you

In a deep and thorough way.

l have done it, even as I promised, in a deep and perfect way, in a new way, in a

permanent way.

You shall not go back to your vomit. Many of you shall find that they cannot go back

even if they wanted to, because My hand has been at work.

You shall continue in the pathway of increasing holiness.

You shall continue in the pathway of increasing consecration.

You shall continue in the pathway of unchanging obedience.

l call you this day to put aside all your own plans, to put aside all your own ambitions,

and come with Me in the centre of My will for that is the highest position.

I am coming with you

I will lead you

I will lead you through your leaders into the perfection of My will.

I am coming with you.

You shall not miss My will. I will ensure that you do not miss My will.

That is my special love for you.

I am coming with you as the numbers grow to possess the city.

I will keep you one.

I will keep you one, for that was the vision and abides the vision, and will remain not only a vision but will become reality.

Be encouraged as My people.

Be encouraged as individuals.

I call you into My rest,

I call you into My rest,

I call you into My rest,

I call you into My rest, as your one dwelling place.

9th April 1992

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