To All The Leaders (ZT Fomum)

Very recently, I wrote to all the leaders in our ministry. I want to say to you, word verbatim, what I said to them.

My beloved soldier of the cross

Praise the Lord

This is what has come out this night as we pressed on in prayer to lay the foundation for phase two of our work (2004 – 2014):
“The leader must be a growth agent, if not he will be rejected by the people. If you do not provide a leadership that produces growth in numbers, you have failed. A leader must provide growth in numbers. If you lead a nation, a city, a church, a centre, or a house church that does not grow in numbers, you have failed. A leader must provide growth in numbers and growth in depth. The absence of growth in numbers means that the leader has failed. Failure in growth in numbers is the mark of the loss of the leadership mandate.
Each leader must face what will be the numbers of believers in his ministry at the end of this year, compared to what the numbers were at the end of last year. A national leader, a zonal leader, a divisional leader, a city leader, a house-church leader and any such person who does not confront numbers is very dishonest. Do not only say that you are growing in depth. Where is that depth?

Depth that does not lead to growth in numbers is deceit. Where is your depth leading to? In Watson’s book he writes that if people are having one meeting after another of the same kind, it is because they are unproductive. The more failure there is, the more there are meetings to discuss the same issues. Every honest leader must leave time to the people to produce results. If the meetings of the past produced nothing, why plan other meetings of the same kind? The flesh can be so corrupt that it runs away from soul-winning to hide in “prayer” and “fasting”. Without asking honest questions, a man can just be eaten up by deceit. You cannot assess success by activities. World conquest is measured in numbers that will contribute to the one billion people, which is our goal.

A leader must ask himself what he is leading the people to do. There is a time to fast and a time not to fast. It is not possible to run away from this fact: you will not harvest souls when you have not invested in soul-winning. Leadership that leads to soul-winning cannot be leadership that comes out from long fasts and long prayer crusades, because these eat up the time and leave no time for soul-winning. Forty-day fasts are not for soul-winning. They are not for soul-winning at the individual level, and they are not for the ordinary health of the church. They are for battling with principalities, powers, rulers and hosts.”

Beloved, you could also think of the fact that because I, as a type of Moses am on the mountain in prayer, you as a kind of Joshua, should be in the valley winning souls. I am birthing souls on the mountain in prayer. You should be winning them to the Lord and adding them to your ministry in the valley.

I thank God for your life and battles to win the lost and plant churches in your beloved nation and our beloved nations. In light of what came out you should double efforts in evangelism and in church-planting in new localities and new quarters to accomplish the goal of this year. In one month, you can bring many into the kingdom of God, and overthrow the reign of Satan in some localities and quarters by planting churches in them. December and January must be given exclusively to soul-winning and church-planting.

The meeting to evaluate and programme the work for 2005 should be held in the first week of February. Now brethren, go to war for souls and for church-planting!

May the Lord strengthen you as you press on to insure that there is massive growth in the number of believers and in the number of churches under your leadership

With all my love

Zacharias Tanee Fomum.
Yaounde, 07th December 2004

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