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What is Prayerlessness? (Zacharias T. Fomum)

Prayerlessness is the refusal to take up the mighty weapons of prayer and be involved with God in His battles. Prayerlessness is too little or no effective praying.


Prayerlessness is absolute rebellion. It is the deliberate refusal to obey God’s command to pray. Prayerlessness is a great sin. It is a determination to take an active side with the devil to fight against God. It is a determination to frustrate God’s purposes, to wreck the Kingdom of God.

Prayerlessness is a determined effort to ensure that sinners are lost in hell forevermore. It is a calculated effort to ensure that backsliders are not restored and that ultimate victory belongs to the wicked one.

All who do not pray make themselves enemies of the praying Lord. If souls are lost, it is because there are prayerless believers, for no soul is won into the Kingdom of God unless the price has been paid in terms of vital praying. Every soul that is lost to the devil is lost because the Church did not pray at all or did not pray effectively. Prayerless believers will answer to the Lord on Judgement Day for all the souls that have perished forevermore. They are guilty of the blood of these people.

Fellow saint, the worst sin you can commit as a child of God is to pray superficially or not to pray at all. Prayerlessness is high treason against the government of God. It is betraying God and the entire cause of the Kingdom of God.

Prayerlessness is the fool’s way of life, the sluggard’s companion, and the way to a life of planned spiritual darkness and poverty. You dare not allow yourself the luxury of so great a sin!!! Think about the conversion of Saul, who later on became the apostle Paul. Some people think that it just happened. Such people do not imagine how many people prayed for this one man who was terrorizing the Church. Each time the believers met, they must have prayed for him. Because they prayed, God brought him to conversion and regeneration. Saul would never have been converted without the prayers of the Church. Praying churches are living churches, and living churches are growing churches. If there is a thing that should be done now for the glory of God, it is to pray. I encourage everyone to pray and to rally men to pray. Dare not stand to lead a prayer meeting, to pray or sing for the Lord, without an active life of prayer. Dare not preach to men about God until you have told God about men in prayer. If you preach without much prayer you frustrate God’s purposes. Please, again I say, “Pray.”

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