关于他的同事:Philip 和 Ruth Donald (Zacharias T. Fomum)

我为 Philip Ndasi 感谢上帝。 从我到伦敦,甚至是从意大利,他就开始服务。

Special prayer Night, Yaounde, 13th September 2005

菲利普和他的妻子是仆人。 甚至恩东莫和妻子。 有很多人是我第一次见到。 我告诉巴黎的教会不管花多少钱租一间礼堂。 在伦敦,他们以每月250万英镑的价格租用一个大厅。 它可以容纳150人。

Ndongmo 和他的妻子是一对很好的夫妻,他们协调那里的工作。 他们致力于工作。 他们告诉我一位母亲不惜一切代价阅读《门徒训练》,这让她震惊无比。 把一切都给神这件事是这世代的丑闻。 但是,在给出所有之前,什么都没有给出。 耶稣来是为了死并完全拥有人。

Back from London and Paris, Yaounde, 2nd June, 2008

  1. Lord, thank You for the bigger hall looked for in London.
  2. Lord, thank You for the hospitality of Philip and Ruth.
  3. Lord, thank You that people were all over, but each one was receiving personal attention, not just food but ministry.
  4. Lord, thank You that without a pastor’s heart one cannot succeed much.
  5. Lord, thank You that without a pastor’s wife one cannot succeed much.
  6. Lord, thank You that without a pastor’s home one cannot succeed much.
  7. Lord, thank You for the Ndasis who have a heart for everybody.
  8. Lord thank You that there was a lot of food.

Tuesday Teaching Meeting
