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Missionaries And Mission Fields: Accountability (Zacharias T. Fomum)

The story of what you see on the field there is here in the accountability report. Brethren, this is to move the judgment of God.

A man is not reading the books. He does not pray. He reads no book, and he calls himself a missionary. So that it is the prayers here that prevent him from being swallowed. Allowances will only go to accountable missionaries, nationally and internationally.

Yesterday, I got the letter of somebody who has not given accounts for seven years, that we should send him two thousand euros for his marriage; he says that he has already bought things with his savings, and he needs two thousand euros for his marriage. Nothing will be sent to him. There is a living God!

Unaccountable leaders, unaccountable missionaries give me the worst pain in my life, because there is no way to pray for them, no way to know what is happening.

Someone told me, “Look into the finances of the local churches.” We don’t want to become a place where people going to hell come and hide. When you get to a place, look into the finances. Someone should go round the churches, inspecting the funds.

Brethren, it will be better just to close Christian Missionary Fellowship International today than to continue with an abomination. Occasionally people have told me, “Those figures they send to you about numbers are not true.” I went to one place and I saw one quarter (¼) of what the leader said was there. I said when I come once a year, most people will be there, so when I see one quarter (¼) of these numbers that were sent to us, it is false. We will give the instructions now and make this month a month of grace.

But from September, missionary or no missionary, anyone who receives an allowance in the ministry and who does not give accounts will not receive any allowance for that month.

We will make exceptions for those having inabilities that make them not able to account.

We will design their own way of accountability.

It is finished today.

Our people have just turned to being corrupt.

This is a message from the Lord I received in Australia:

“My son, accountability is an eternal law that is binding on me.

Genesis 1 and 2 are my accounts on how We created the world.

John 17 is the account of the Lord Jesus Christ to Me about His work.

Luke 4 is the account of the Lord Jesus Christ to man about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Numbers 33 is the account of Moses about the wilderness journey.

Joshua 12 was the account of Joshua about the Promised Land.

The Bible is full of the accounts of the anointing of people of consequence. Accounts are binding in heaven. Accounts are also binding on earth.

Every parent waits for report cards.

Financial Institutions are accountable.

Consequently, to have a worldwide movement of people who are not accountable is totally unacceptable.

In Christian Missionary Fellowship International, all shall be accountable.”


Yaounde, 9th July, 2008.

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