Thus says the Lord: The deluge is upon you!

 ”We have a Word from the Lord. This is what the Lord says: ‘There has been growth in many domains:

Son, there has been growth. And you have accomplished and exceeded the goal of the one million believers in 100 nations on all six continents.

You have worked very hard in the consolidation and recovery of lost grounds that were gained.

You have worked very hard in the establishment and the strengthening of the work.

You have done excellently.

You have believed Me.

You have pushed ahead courageously.

You have pressed on and pressed on and pressed on.

And like the little cloud that came out of the sea, the little cloud of assurance and faith’s evidence, that cloud has formed over our work. The cloud has formed,

And the promised rain is upon you.’

Thus says the Lord:

‘The deluge is upon you.

The rain of revival upon the leaders,

The rain of revival upon the children,

The rain of My revival upon the students and youth,

The rain, My rain of revival is upon the missionaries.

My rain of revival is upon the churches.

My rain of revival is upon all of our Work.

And My children will overflow with love for Me,

And My children will overflow with love for each other.

And serving the Lord, sacrificing for Him, will be a thing of great joy.

I bring many of you to your first love for Me.

And I bring many more who have never known Me or loved Me into a revelation of Me.

I bring all of you to a whole new dimension of love for Me.

And the leading of my children will be easy because so many will be willing and red-hot in zeal for Me.

I heal the backsliding and the double-mindedness of their condition.

I heal those who are blind through the love of the world and the love of the things of the world.

I heal you from the blindness.

I heal you from your reservations.

I heal you from your hesitations.

I heal those who are trapped along the pathway of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus

Trapped in debts,

Trapped in bitterness,

Trapped in jealousy,

Trapped in discontentment.

I draw you again to Myself, and I draw you to My bosom, and to satisfaction with Me, as your bliss and your all in all.

This day, I remove rivalry,

I remove jealousy,

I remove disloyalty,

I remove smallness of heart,

I remove all arrogance, from you.

Many will begin to rejoice and to glory in the success and name of others.

Many will work for the success and the distinction of others.’ Says the Lord,

‘My rain, My rain, My rain, is upon you!!!

My rain of abundance and blessings!!

Abundance of workers and co-workers!

Abundance of new spiritual gifts and new ministries!

Abundance of visions!

Abundance of divine visitations!

Abundance of encounters with God!

Abundance of spiritual experiences!

Abundance of revelations!

Abundance, abundance, abundance!

Great abundance!

Abundance of funds!

Abundance of materials!

And many will be blessed,

And many will give and be blessed, and give to be blessed.

I am pouring on you willing men and women,

Abundance of children and adults who are willing, willing, willing;

Abundance of nationalities and different categories of people who are willing.

I am raising a generation of servants,

And so many leaders and various missionaries, and skilled men and women, to do the work at all levels.

My rain of blessings is upon you, and I will multiply for you open doors.

You have sought open doors;

You have sought keys into nations, keys into places.

And now I will flood you with My open doors.

You are My “Peters”. I give you keys into nations,

Keys into cities,

Keys into cultures,

Keys into languages,

Keys into social classes,

Keys into skills,

Keys into competence and wealth.

I will flood you with My critical men for the work —  thousands of them, tens of thousands of them.

The little cloud will become a deluge and My Work will prosper.

My servants will prosper.

The nation will prosper and I will establish you in the heights, and I will be glorified.

I call you to the portion of the greats.

I call you to the spoils of the strong.’

Thus says the Lord:

‘I call you to the portion of the great.

I call you to the spoils of the strong.

Your work and Our work cannot settle in the millions.

Your work and Our work cannot settle in the hundreds of millions.

I call you to the brackets of billions.

I call you to the brackets of tens of billions:

Billions of tracts,

Billions of books,

Billions of cassettes,

Billions of internet hits,

Billions of people reached with the Gospel,

Billions of people saved, and

A billion, discipled to render total obedience in all things.

Billions and billions:

Billions of dollars,

Billions of euros,

Billions of francs CFA,

Billions of other currencies.

Do not settle for the small.

Do not settle for the great.

Come with Me into the portion of the great,

And come with me to the spoils of the strong as a people who have worked with Me in the overthrow of principalities.

Come with Me to the portion of the strong.

The foundation has been laid.

The seed has been produced.

The revelation has been given in full.

The price is being paid and the price has been paid.

The penetrations had been accomplished

The content had been given, that wine from Heaven!!!

The kind and the likeness and culture and spirit of this work had been produced.

I bring you to My new beginnings.

I bring you to a new start.

I make all things new, I make all things new.

I have weeded out the sources of conflicts and the causes of offense.

I have removed from our Work the stumbling blocks and nothing stands on your way, and nothing will stand on your way.

I lay before you my open doors.

I lay before you my wide-open doors.

I lay before you my very wide-open doors:

Doors to the nations and the continents,

Doors to the cities and to the villages,

To the cultures and to the languages,

To the nationalities and to the people,

To the universities and to the students,

To all classes and all societies,

To rulers and leaders in all spheres,

To the armed forces and to the paramilitary forces,

To individuals and multitudes,

To the hearts and to the love of men.

I lay open before you many doors; enter into them, and I will go with you. Wherever your feet shall tread, I will go with you. And I will go with you whenever and wherever you go. And I will work with you to the extent to which you shall believe Me.

Koume 1st /01/2019

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